The Integrity News
Vol. XII No. 8 ISSN 1081-2717 March 5, 2003
February 21, 2003
Posted: March 5, 2003
The Supreme Court may get involved
in a case that will affect employees
nationwide. The high court may need
to resolve an issue where the Ninth
Circuit Court disagrees with all other
Circuit Courts. There are political
overtones too.
A candidate refused to sign an offer of
employment because it contained an
arbitration agreement. The candidate
wanted to retain his right to a jury trial.
For that refusal, the employer withdrew
its job offer. The candidate then filed
an EEOC charge of discrimination.
The EEOC sued the employer for
"illegal retaliation" because they
"unlawfully penalized the candidate"
for asserting his right to a jury trial.
What this boils down to is: Is a pre-
dispute agreement between the parties
enforceable, when it says that they will
arbitrate rather than litigate, any claims
that may arise ?
There is obviously a lot more to this than
briefly summarized here, but we think you
should monitor the "Luce, Forward" case.
to see the January 16, 2002, issue of
The Integrity News (tm) on this topic.