The Integrity News
Vol. XII No. 32 ISSN 1081-2717
Volume 10, Issue 3
December 4, 2003
Editor's Note:
It is indeed unfortunate that terrorism is a real
threat and that we have to be prepared. The bad
guys are not from any particular place, they are
funded from anonymous sources, they do not follow
any historical war time practices, and their "rules
of engagement" are whatever will get their job
done. Anyone who watches TV news knows that
we must be on the lookout for suicide bombers,
terrorists with conventional, homemade explosive,
or biological weapons, and situations or items
that could potentially be "dirty bombs".
"The following guidance from the Department of
Homeland Security can apply to residences,
recreational and shopping venues, and business
buildings and complexes.
Maintain situational awareness of world events and ongoing
Ensure all levels of personnel are notified via briefings, email,
voice mail, and signage of any changes in threat conditions and
protective measures.
Encourage personnel to be alert and immediately report any
situations that appear to constitute a threat or suspicious
Encourage personnel to avoid routines, vary times and routes,
pre-plan and keep a low profile, especially during periods
of high threat.
Encourage personnel to take notice and report suspicious
packages, devices, unattended briefcases, or other unusual
materials immediately; inform them not to handle or
attempt to move any such object.
Encourage personnel to keep their family members and
supervisors apprised of their whereabouts.
Encourage personnel to know emergency exits and stairwells
and the locations of rally points to ensure the safe egress
of all employees.
Increase the number of visible security people wherever
Rearrange exterior vehicle barriers, traffic cones, and road
blocks to alter traffic patterns near facilities and cover by
alert security forces.
Institute/increase vehicle, foot and roving security patrols
varying in size, timing and routes.
Implement random security guard shift changes.
Arrange for law enforcement vehicles to be parked near
entrances and exits.
Review current contingency plans and, if not already in place,
develop and implement procedures for receiving and acting on
threat information, alert notification procedures, terrorist
incident response procedures, evacuation procedures, bomb
threat procedures, hostage and barricade procedures,
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN)
procedures, consequence and crisis management procedures,
accountability procedures, and media procedures.
When the aforementioned plans and procedures have been
implemented, conduct internal training exercises and invite
local emergency responders (fire, rescue, medical, and bomb
squads) to participate in joint exercises.
Coordinate and establish partnerships with local authorities
to develop intelligence and information sharing relationships.
Place personnel on standby for contingency planning.
Limit the number of access points and strictly enforce access
control procedures.
Approach all illegally parked vehicles in and around
facilities. Question drivers and direct them to move
immediately. If the owner cannot be identified, have
the vehicle towed by law enforcement.
Consider installing telephone Caller ID. Record phone calls,
if necessary.
Increase perimeter lighting.
Deploy visible security cameras and motion sensors.
Remove vegetation in and around perimeters; maintain
Institute a robust vehicle inspection program to include
checking under the undercarriage of vehicles, under the hood,
and in the trunk. Provide vehicle inspection training to
security personnel.
Deploy explosive detection devices and explosive detection
canine teams.
Conduct vulnerability studies focusing on physical security,
structural engineering, infrastructure engineering, power,
water, and air infiltration, if feasible.
Initiate a system to enhance mail and package screening
procedures (both announced and unannounced).
Install special locking devices on manhole covers in and
around facilities."
The above DHS guidelines speak to "physical" security.
In past issues of The Integrity News, we have covered
the topic of "information" security. You are probably
well aware of the vigilance needed to protect your
organization from viruses, hackers, sinister software
suppliers, malcontents, and others seeking to destroy
your information infrastructure.
Feel free to call The Integrity Center, Inc. (972) 484-6140
to discuss any of these issues.