Some companies already have their version of a Hiring Check List.
Using one is a sound idea. To do a good job of hiring, for each
category of employee that you intend to hire, you should establish
a Hiring Check List. An easy way to do that is to print this list and
supplement it to suit your company's needs. As an active client,
you can ask us to modify the Hiring Check List in the interface so
that it will suit your needs when you log on.
For any given job category, the important items that should be on
your Hiring Check Lists are:
What Constitutes a "Good Fit".
Define the Job Specification.
Write a Job Requirement Checklist.
Decide on the Recruitment Methods.
Select the Best Method for the Job.
Pre-screen the Resumes.
Conduct Telephone Screening.
Keep Good Online Interview Notes.
Get The Paperwork ready for:
Background Checking
Federal I-9
Payroll W-4
Benefits Enrollment
Prepare for the Interview.
Develop your Questioning Approach.
Think About the Legal Aspects of Interviewing.
Think about Pay and Title Equity.
Manage the Interview.
Background Check.
Make the Hiring Decision.
Finalize An Offer Package.
Produce an Orientation Check-List.