January 16, 2003
"objective risk management services"
Dallas, Texas - The Integrity Center, Inc. is having an increasing number of job seekers
request the retrieval of their personal background records. In this tight hiring environment,
they apparently don't want to leave anything to chance. So, The Integrity Center has put
a "CHECK ME" link on its website that gives the job seeker a printable package of the
Federally compliant paperwork needed to request their own freshly retrieved background records.
A job seeker can request one or more of the following kinds of records: criminal conviction
histories, credit reports, driver's license histories, employment verifications, educational
verifications, professional license verifications, and more. They can even take a drug test
in their home town.
Apparently, job seekers are aware that the online stored data vendors are selling them stored
data that may be anywhere from one to 36 months old, and they want freshly retrieved reports
so that they see the current records that a prospective employer would use for decision making.
Interested job seekers can visit The Integrity Center website at and click
on the "CHECK ME" link, or they can call (972) 484-6140. There is no sign-up fee, minimal
fee, or other onerous condition - only a modest per item charge for the freshly retrieved
records requested.
The Integrity Center, Inc., founded in 1984 in Dallas, Texas, services business, industry
and government nationwide in the areas of Risk Management and Personnel Security. The firm
and its website is a rich source of current information regarding the laws and procedures
in these areas.
Director of Press Relations
The Integrity Center, Inc.
(972) 484-6140