You know that people puff up their resumes. The U.S. General
Accounting Office says that 34% of resumes contain seriously bogus
claims. Part of your job is to insure the security of your organization.
You do that with a security interview. Some of the things that you
want to find out are:
Does this person have a criminal conviction history or driving
record that will insure that you LOSE any court case that they
might get our company into ?
Are you getting the experience you are paying for ? Will you
unexpectedly have to spend a lot of money training them ?
Will their inexperience kill a client relationship ?
Will this person fit in with your group ? That is a
productivity question, but the more important worry is
whether friction between your group and the person
will lead to acts of sabotage or violence.
Is the person joining your company just to learn what you
have because they have an ulterior motive or a hidden
agenda ?