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Website Launched:  12/26/1994
Last Update:  2/14/2013
The Integrity Center, Inc.

(972) 484-6140
[ Since 1984 ]
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The Examiner (tm)

The Examiner (tm) is a tool that helps you perform a really good personnel security interview of a job candidate.

STEP ONE is an online survey that consists of questions presented in multiple choice format.   It should take your candidate about 35 minutes to complete.   At the end of the candidate's online session you will have an Interview Guide, with instructions about how to conduct that interview, ready for you under New Results in the client interface The Integrity Connection (tm).

You use that Interview Guide to:

   evaluate the candidate's candor and veracity when they
were taking the survey,

   collect the candidate's residence, work, and education
history from their memory to compare with what you have
been given on paper,

   get a good feel for what makes the person tick, insight
into some of their fundamental motivations and attitudes,
the knowledge of how to talk to that particular person, and

   proceed through an ordered, detailed, set of questions that
guide you through a very meaningful interview with the
candidate that often results in surprising voluntary

The Examiner (tm) has been used to conduct very successful personnel security interviews on over 11,000 occasions.  The most common feedback that you will recieve from a candidate is: "did you get all that information about me from those few questions?"   Therein lies the strength of The Examiner (tm).   It is a personnel security interview tool that sets the candidate up to be voluntarily forthcoming because they don't know how much more you know about them than what you are telling them.

The presentation of the information-gathering questions by The Examiner(tm) is referred to as a "survey" rather than a "test" because there are no right or wrong answers.   The portion of the results that reveal job-related motivations and attitudes do not constitute a clinical personality evaluation.  However, The Integrity Center, Inc. has used this pre-employment interview tool since 1988, and there are numerous deductions that can be made based on correlations with past survey results.   Every prior report produced by The Examiner(tm) has been validated for that particular candidate by reviewing the Interview Guide with the candidate and gathering their feedback.   Further, in thousands of cases, the employer has also ordered one or more of the following background checks and additional correlations have been established: actual criminal conviction history checks; drug tests; driver's license history checks; personal credit history checks; employment verifications; education verification; professional license verification; etc.

Prior to conducting the interview, you should review Part C with the candidate, which is their motivational and attitudinal profile.   This has two purposes.   First, the profile is usually so accurate that the candidate will remark about how you got that much insight from such a quick survey.   More importantly, they will quickly have come to believe that you actually know more than you are revealing, and they won't take any chances on not telling you something that they think you may already know.   Second, the profile tells you, the interviewer, enough about the candidate that you can alter your interview style to most closely fit the candidate's preferences and attitudes. This will help you obtain more voluntary comments and admissions during the interview than you would otherwise expect to obtain.

STEP TWO in The Examiner(tm) interview process is to have the candidate recite their residence locations, jobs with time periods and salaries, and education --- in reverse chronological order.   Most people can do this if they are being honest with you.   You may begin to wonder if a candidate can not tell you where and when they have lived, worked, or gone to school.   In addition, the candidate will often inadvertently tell you things during this part of the interview that they may otherwise not say.  Remember, this is a security interview.   You are trying to get an accurate picture of the person for the future, and you are trying to find out about what you should check in their background and where you should check it.

STEP THREE is the heart of the personnel security interview.  This is where you discuss with the candidate their answers to Part B, a sub-set of the survey questions that specifically speak to prior history and solicit admissions in 10 areas.   The survey questions ranged from the relatively benign questions about what the candidate may have accidentally left off their Job Application, to more difficult questions like has the candidate been convicted of a crime.   Because you can always begin a question with the phrase "during the online survey, you said that ......", you are in effect asking the candidate to explain their responses given to the inanimate computer system.   The explanations that the candidates give are usually very revealing, and frequently guide you concerning where and what to check.

At the end of your discussion of these questions with the candidate, you will have a definite impression of the level of security risk posed by the candidate, and you will have a much better idea of what to check, and where to check, with respect to the candidate's background.

What is the Fair
   Credit Reporting
   Act (FCRA) ?

Do I need a
   Candidate's written
   permission ?

What is a
   screening tool ?

What is a
   Background Check ?

What are
   Employee Crimes ?

Why check Civil
   Litigation Records ?

Why should we
   do Security
   Interviews ?

What is
   SSN Validation vs.
   SSN Verification ?

Why should we
   Background Check ?

Where should we
   actually check ?

What are the turn-
   around times ?

What is actually
   done for us ?

How do I cost
   justify Checking ?

Why should I use
   a Hiring Checklist ?

Why not use
   a hair drug test ?

Why not use
   database services ?

Why is The Examiner
   so accurate ?

What are the
   Key Words ?