Myth # 8
Validation means the Social Security Number (SSN) is a valid number.
Validation can be, and usually is, determined by a mathematical calculation
that determines that the number MAY BE A VALID NUMBER, along with the state
and year in which that the number MAY HAVE BEEN ISSUED but this process in
no way ensures that the number: has actually been issued, does not belong to
a deceased person, or even if the number actually was issued by the Government
to your candidate. In this type process, there is no actual access to real
data from the Social Security Administration attempted or implied. In an
employment situation an SSN Validation will not provide any useful information
about the actual status of an applicant’s Social Security Number. It is a
computer calculation used as a marketing gimmick.
Verification means that the Social Security Administration (SSA) actually says
that the number has been issued, the state of issue has been provided by the SSA,
and the year of issue has been provided by the SSA. While the SSA will not tell
anyone whom the SSN is actually issued to, if it is not the exact name as presented
in your request, they will imprint the top of your report with a starred box declaring
“possible fraud”. They also imprint the report if the SSN has already had death
benefits paid on it, or if the person is drawing SSI disability payments, or for
a total of 17 classes of fraud.
SSN verification is accomplished through a combination of information from the
national credit bureaus and Social Security Administration data. If the national
credit bureaus have received identical full credit application data on a person
from at least two different merchants, they declare that the SSN has been verified.
Then, if your vendor pays extra, as The Integrity Center Inc. does, the credit bureaus
further verify the SSN number by washing each request for information made to them
against their copy of the current quarter’s master tape from the SSA per above.
The Integrity Center Inc. ONLY performs SSN Verifications.
This service is available as a Social Security Verification on our Service Menu.
The SSN Verification process is also included, at no additional cost, when you
request our ID Verification or Personal Credit History services. We, at The
Integrity Center, believe that our clients require and deserve the best possible
information. Our quality SSN Verification is just another way that we provide
the best value in objective risk management services available.